Version 20th of April 2020

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are stored on the computer or mobile device of the user of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) which contain certain information on your visit to the Website. The cookie is downloaded by the device that you use to access the Website and is stored on the hard disk of that device. In this policy, we use the word “cookies” to refer to all the files that store information in this manner irrespective of the technology used at any time (cookie, pixel or any other mechanism for storing information on the user’s device).

Cookies may have different uses: from saving your language preference to ensuring that you receive the correct content of the Website, analyzing your use of the Website, or showing you advertising, even generating a user profile according to your browsing, use of the Website or interests. In no case will the cookies damage your device.

However, if you wish you may choose the cookies that you want us to install on your first visit by using our cookies settings tool and disable and/or delete the cookies used on the Website by following the instructions of your Internet browser (we explain how in this cookies policy).

At any event, bear in mind that there are some technical cookies that need to be installed and therefore do not require your consent as their purpose is to ensure that the page loads properly or that we show it to you in your language. Furthermore, if you object to the installation of certain cookies, it may affect your ability to use certain Web features, impairing the Website and perhaps making it incompatible with your needs.

You can find further information about cookies at:


Does the website use cookies?

The Website uses cookies. Below we explain what type of cookies we use and how you can disable them if you do not want to allow them to be used.

What type of cookies does the Website use?

The cookies may be divided into several categories depending on various criteria, for example, their purpose, their duration or the company managing them. Below, we describe the cookies that the Website uses according to the different criteria generally used to identify them:

According to the company that manages the cookies:

Own cookies

These are the cookies that are sent to your device from our own computers or domain and from which we provide the service that you request.

Third-party cookies

These are cookies that are sent to your device from a computer or domain that is not managed by Pronovias, but by a partner entity

According to their purpose:

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are essential and necessary for the user to browse the website and for it to function properly. The Website’s technical cookies are used, for example, for initiating and maintaining the user’s session, confirming that the user has correctly accessed the Website and keeping a record of users that have given their consent by accepting the Website’s cookies policy or even managing content translations.

We also use third-party services such as Cloudflare to ensure the security of the connection to our Website (for further information, you can visit the Cloudflare website, Cloud flare

There are also cookies that manage the information of the shopping cart and the platform itself and which store information on recently seen products, including those in the cart, or those products that you want to compare. All this information is stored to make your browsing easier.

Cookies may also be installed if you use our chat. These are mainly used to manage the history of the conversation and to allow it to be maintained while you browse through the Website.

Personalization cookies

Cookies that allow users to access the services with pre-defined settings or the specific characteristics from their user profile (such as language, country, etc.). These cookies make browsing easier and more personalized for users, so they don’t have to repeat some processes and settings choices.

Analytics cookies

These cookies analyze how the user browses the Website/App, then measure and carry out statistical analysis of their browsing and use of the Website/App.

The analytics cookies used by the Website/App have, for example, the following purposes:

  • to differentiate between users and sessions;
  • to obtain information on user visits to the Website/App, differentiating between users and sessions;
  • to determine if the user establishes a new session or visit;
  • to attribute the visit, meaning it stores the source of the traffic, explaining how the user came to the Website/App;
  • to collect information on how visitors use the Website/App.

The applications used to obtain this information are:


Google Analytics Google
Hotjar Analytics Hotjar Hotjar legal
A/B Testing Kamaleoon Kamaleoon privacy policy

Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies monitor the users’ activity online, so only ads related to the Pronovias brand will be shown, including on websites owned by third parties and that manage their own advertising spaces.

In addition to allowing us to show advertising on our website and those of third parties, they also allow us to gauge the effectiveness of our online campaigns, providing information of interest to users, and to show them advertising content in line with their preferences.

They also allow us to limit the number of advertising impacts on each user.


Facebook ads Facebook Facebook privacy explanation
Bing ads Microsoft Microsoft Privacy
Retail Rocket Retail rocket Retail Rocket privacy
Pinterest personalized ads Pinterest

Social media operational cookies

Some social media networks, such as Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, or third-party services and websites, give advertisers the opportunity to generate personalized audiences, in their environments, of users of those website networks or services who visit our website.

This allows us to impact users directly on social media or third-party services, providing information, promotions or advertising contents that adapt to the interests of our users.

Facebook Facebook privacy explanation

Additionally, our website has sections and contents with social media buttons so users can share our content on social media.

We don’t control the cookies installed by each social media network, although they tend to be technical to control logging in or show a counter of how many times certain content has been shared.

We recommend all users review the privacy and cookies conditions for each social media network and, if necessary, change their privacy settings on each one to limit their ability to track the user.

According to their duration:

Session cookies

These cookies are temporary and gather and store information only while you browse the Website, i.e., from the time you access the page or application until you leave it.

Persistent cookies

These are cookies in which the data remains stored on the user’s terminal and may be accessed and processed for a period defined by whoever is responsible for the cookie, which may vary from one cookie to the next.

If you do not delete the persistent cookie, the persistent cookie will expire on its own, i.e., it will stop working on its default expiration date.

How do I enable or disable cookies?

Before accepting the installation of Cookies, you may access our Cookies Settings, where you may select those cookies that you do not want us to install (remember that technical cookies are mandatory). If you do not access the Cookies Settings or the Cookies Policy and you continue to browse the Website, we take it that you accept installation of all the cookies.

You may also change the preferences of your browser to limit the access of certain cookies to your computer or mobile device, avoiding by default the installation of some cookies or all of them (this option may affect your Internet browsing in general).

You may find further information in the table below or, if a particular link does not work or you use a browser that is not listed, in the “Help” menu of your browser:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Microsoft Internet Explorer delete cookies
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Internet Explorer data and privacy
Apple Safari 13 (High Sierra) Apple safari manage cookies
Google Chrome Google chrome manage cookies
Mozilla Firefox

The above links may be updated by the companies that develop these browsers. Pronovias will make every reasonable effort to keep the above list up to date.

If you want to have greater control over the installation of Cookies, you may install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose the Cookies that you wish to allow.

How can I oppose the installation of third-party Cookies?

When visiting our Website for the first time, we offer you the possibility of configuring which Cookies you want to install. You may oppose the installation of any category of Cookies, except technical cookies, which are necessary for the Website to function properly.

Similarly, as indicated in the above section, the User may, at any time, reject installation of a certain type of Cookie, such as advertising and third-party Cookies, through their browser settings.

If you have accepted the installation of a certain category of Cookies in the initial settings screen and later want to oppose their installation or maintenance, you may delete the Cookies that have already been installed using the browser settings and once again configure those Cookies that you wish to allow to be installed.

Similarly, some of our providers have a direct system to oppose the installation of their Cookies. Below you will find a list of providers and links (some of them may not be in Spanish, although you will easily find the “opt-out” button in order to oppose the Cookies):

Rubicon Project Rubicon project
Facebook ads
DoubleClick Google add setting
Google Analytics Goohle tools

Bear in mind that if at any time you delete cookies from your browser, your opt-out preferences from previous providers may be deleted and you will need to oppose their installation once again.


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¿No ves tu país en la lista? Consulta nuestro sito web internacional en Inglés o Español.